Meharry Family Medicine and Knowles Home Assisted Living Facility – Falls Risk Assessment
The Meharry Comprehensive Health Center houses the Family Medicine Clinic and cared for over 15,000 primary care visits over a five-year period (2013-2018), with 7.8% of patients over age 65 and 40% underinsured. This clinic serves as the key training site for Family Medicine. The Knowles Home Assisted Living Facility (ALF) is operated by the Nashville Metropolitan Development and Housing Authority (MDHA) and serves a predominantly low-income population of 100 assisted living residents and 90 Adult Day Care participants. A new Family Medicine Clinic (opening March, 2019) will be operated by Meharry faculty and residents.
We will introduce multifactorial fall risk screening assessment at Meharry Comprehensive Health Center and the Knowles Home assisted living facility.
Education of residents on fall risk and appropriate management and referral of identified patients will be performed by Meharry Medical College faculty. A curriculum will be developed including the Morse falls risk (24), and the CDC STEADY falls risk assessment toolkit. Residents, under faculty supervision, will administer the Falls Assessment in their clinic that will assist with appropriate Multifactorial Falls Assessment for patients at high risk for falls. Feedback from residents will improve provider practice and inform faculty of educational refinements to impact future trainee practice patterns. Knowles Home facility fall rates will be measured in the effect on training assessed.