Knowles Friends, Family and Staff,

The Bordeaux Advocates have resumed our partnership with J.B. Knowles!  We are excited to be a part of this amazing facility and to bring smiles to the residents!

Who are we?  The Bordeaux Advocates have enriched the lives of the residents at Bordeaux Long Term Care, Nashville Community Care & Rehabilitation at Bordeaux and J.B. Knowles Home Assisted Living since 1993.  We sponsor programs and social events for the residents.  Covid has hit our nursing and assisted care homes hard.  With no outside social programs we were able to provide games, gifts and snacks for the residents at NCCRB and we are now back at J.B. Knowles!  We work with the activities department to bring activities that enrich the resident’s lives.  This year we sent Valentine florals and candy, Easter Eggs, plants for Earth Day and have much more planned!  This is our main fundraiser to offer these programs to the residents!

What is The Big Payback?  A community-wide, online giving day hosted by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, returns on Thursday, May 6, and The Bordeaux Advocates are excited to be participating!  

How does The Big Payback work?  On May 6, donors can make gifts online to The Big Payback participants located in or providing services to the 40 counties of Middle Tennessee. Your contributions to The Bordeaux Advocates could be increased by additional incentives, bonuses and prizes made possible by The Big Payback sponsors throughout the day.  

How can you donate?  Here is the link to donate on Thursday, May 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.!

WHY FROM 11 A.M. TO 1 P.M. ON May 6?  This is a great time for a small organization like ours to win an additional prize of $1500!  

How can you help?  Share this Email!  Ask 5 of your friends to make an online donation and if they ask 5 of their friends, just imagine the possibilities!  The minimum online donation is $10 and you can also make cash donations on the day of the event.  Please consider giving on May 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  and help make a difference for our residents!  


Robbie Newlin
Board Chair